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Academic Facilities During the Islamic Medieval Age

This course is comprised of one lectures, one handout, and one quiz to assess the students’ grasp of the material. The course will focus on the advent of the Islamic religion as it pertains to the fortification and spread of facilities to promote the education of its followers. As the Islamic faith grew in stature, the extension of the religion across various regions resulted in different understandings of its teaching during the height of its popularity. This resulted in universities, simple structures, or vast complexes that came to promote Muslims teachings as the leaders devised and undertook imparting their accrued wisdom upon their followers. The course will explore a brief introduction, detail into the significance of the societal and architectural ramifications of the cases studies, as well as pertinent vocabulary of the material.
Course Structure
The combination of the lecture, readings (both required and suggested), and handout will promote the material needed to ascertain an adequate and sufficient hold of the material. That very level of understanding will then be assessed by the provided quiz.
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