Past GAHTC Meetings

Global Connections Fellowship - Domestic Worldmaking of the...
Organized by:Mae-ling Lokko, Yale UniversityGeri Augusto, Brown UniversitySimon Benjamin, Hunter CollegeMarie-Louise Richards, Royal Institute of Art, StockholmMohamed Aly Etman, Yale UniversityHenry Wellington, University of Ghana (retired)The architectural legacy of the Transatlantic Slave Trade ...

Theorizing Global History
A two-part virtual symposium hosted by GAHTCJanuary 16, 2021 and January 30, 2021Twelve participants engaged in a series of conversations theorizing the problem of the 'global'. Distinguished specifically from globalization as a contemporary economic formation, the 'global' for ...

Roundtable: What is an Antiracist Architectural History?
What is an Antiracist Architectural History?Irene Cheng, Charles L. Davis II, Jia Yi Gu, Ana María León, and Mabel O. WilsonJuly 24, 2020The recent Black Lives Matter protests following the murder of George Floyd have brought renewed attention to the need for pedagogies that incorporate the histori...

GAHTC Zoom-posium
GAHTC ZOOM-POSIUMThe Zoom-posium focused on the topic of online pedagogy and curriculum. Also included were a number of conversations between module authors and GAHTC members, to best explore how the content can be used and/or adapted to an online teaching environment. The Zoom-posium was live 2:00...

Roundtable: Global Visions on Cities and Historical Pandemi...
Organizers: Dr. Mohammad Gharipour and Dr. Caitlin DeClercq *The chat for this event was also saved, and can be viewed here.Conversation 1: Colonialism, Imperialism, and UrbanismFrench Colonialism, the City, and Pandemics in Vietnam, 1885-1930s (Michael Vann, Sacramento State Uni.)The Hong Ko...

Special Call: Anti-Racism and Global Architectural History
SELECTED ABSTRACTS:Environmental Justice: Histories of Contamination and Stories of ResistanceBy Anita BakshiPeople of Color and the Architecture of New OrleansBy Tara DudleyThe Anti-Black Roots of Urban Planning and the Social Planning Response, 1880-1930By Andrea RobertsLike a Flower We Will Dry ...

2017 Members' Conference - Los Angeles
The GAHTC hosted its 2017 Members' Conference at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, September 29th and 30th. The Members' Conference is a forum for content presentations, teacher to teacher workshops on pedagogical techniques, as well as opportunity to collectively disc...

2019 Member's Conference - Miami
MIAMI, FLAPRIL 5-6, 2019.GAHTC’s Fifth Members’ Conference was hosted by the School of Architecture at the University of Miami, April 5-7, 2019. We hosted over 120 members from all over the world. Alongside members from the US and Canada, we welcomed members from Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, B...