How to Become a Member
GAHTC membership is based upon the principles of community and collaboration. The organization currently hosts over 600 members from all over the world, and from various ranks and disciplines. Of those members, nearly 100 are contributing members, having added content to the GAHTC library. Over the next three years, GAHTC’s aim is to provide the opportunity through its various grant options for members to share their research and knowledge within the GAHTC community. GAHTC’s members play a central role in content creation as well as in defining what it means to teach global architectural history.
As GAHTC’s membership continues to grow, so will its community and its network. Those who join GAHTC will receive access to some of the best architectural history survey courses covering a diverse set of topics and regions. GAHTC members are also eligible to apply for funding through our grant opportunities as well as funded attendance to the Members’ Conference to collaborate, interact, and innovate with fellow global scholars.
GAHTC membership is free and there is no fee to download our materials or to attend our Members' Conference.
Membership is limited to scholars who teach in architectural history or a related field.
Send questions and Grant Proposals to GAHTC Project Manager, Eliana Hamdi Murchie at emurchie@mit.edu.
Apply for GAHTC Membership | Explore GAHTC content
*Please submit a complete profile. You should include your professional title, a short paragraph about your interests and be ready to supply evidence that you are a teacher through web link or a letter from your institution. Members should hold a Master's degree or Ph.D. in architectural history or in related fields such as art history, history, anthropology or archaeology and should have an interest in teaching at the undergraduate survey level. Your application, once submitted, will be reviewed and you will be notified of your status within ten days.
**Incomplete applications will not be accepted.