Environmental Justice: Histories of Contamination and Stories of Resistance
About this lecture:
This lecture is available as a pre-recorded video that can be accessed in two ways. Click to play the video above through Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/473072467). Alternately it can be accessed via the online learning platform VoiceThread, where viewers can click through each slide and leave comments using this link https://rutgers.voicethread.com/share/14983802/
How VoiceThread works
STEP 1 : Click on the link to be directed to the VoiceThread webpage. You might receive an error message saying that the address is not valid. This is because VT is only supported in certain browsers. It will work in Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox. It will not work in Safari or Microsoft Edge.
STEP 2 : You can watch the presentation without signing in, but in order to add comments, you will need to Create an account and sign in.
Do this by clicking on Sign In on the top right of the screen. You will need to make a password that must be 7 characters or longer, then you will be able to watch and comment.
STEP 3 : Watch the presentation
- Navigate from slide to slide by using the arrows on the right side of the screen.
- On each slide, make sure that you hit Play (arrow on the left hand side) if you see a green horizontal bar on the bottom of the screen. This will play the audio for the slide. You can also get the audio to play by clicking on the icon on the left with the initials of the presenter. If there is no bar or icon, then there is no audio on that slide, and you can click to the next one.
STEP 4 : Leave your comments
- You can leave a comment by clicking on the comment button at the bottom center of the screen and then choose the ABC icon to type in a written comment, or click on the microphone to record a voice comment.
- More info can be found in this quick 2-minute Youtube tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-2tWqZJIrE